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This shining example REPRESENTS EVERY Teacher in America. They are NO longer Educators. They are uninformed Political activist disguised as the SHAPERS of YOUR Children’s Minds. Now Teachers all over the Nation CONTINUE and are REFUSING to go back to Schools and certainly REFUSING to do ANY in person Teaching. They now want to CONTINUE to sit on their asses and COLLECT a paycheck. In Virginia, we gave these lazy Bastards a 5% TAXPAYER FUNDED RAISE. NONE of them deserved it, PERIOD, based SOLEY on their actions over the past 15 months! These Preachers of propaganda and Teachers Unions are the ENEMY of the American People!

Yes I’m talking to my Salzman Family Teachers too! You are NOT Educators!! Put your Political bullshit aside, get of of yourself LAZY WHINING asses and open a frikkin book then EDUCATE YOURSELF on the Evolution of Man and Beast.

In the 2020 ELECTION the Teachers Unions GAVE $43.7 MILLION to the Biden campaign. Now we find out through the New York Post they also have been CONTRIBUTING directly to the LANGUAGE the CDC has been RELEASING as Science to DELAY and PROHIBIT Schools from opening, thus sending Teachers back to in person or virtual learning!

So when you see a Teacher, NOT an EDUCATOR, be sure to THANK them for DESTROYING the very fabric of America, Americans Children’s HOPE for Prosperity and the LIES they spew DAILY from their uneducated, uninformed, lazy, lying mouths!!!


Watch: Teacher goes on racist rant against deputy who pulls her over, repeatedly calling him 'a murderer' - TheBlaze

Watch: Teacher goes on racist rant against deputy who pulls her over, repeatedly calling him 'a murderer' - TheBlaze

A teacher has been caught on video delivering a racist tirade against a Latino sheriff's deputy in Los Angeles, wherein she repeatedly calls him "a murderer" and taunts, "You're always gonna be a Mexican, you'll never be white, you kno