Okay, so I just heard the information about the Census. Have you heard ANY Republicans or Repugnantcan Politicians talking about it?
Turns out the 2020 Census results RELEASED in December 2020 showed Republican Red States GAINING more populations and AWARDED MORE Congressional Seats, while Democratic Blue States LOST Population and Seats.
Well then in February the OBiden Administration RELEASED the UPDATED figures. Turns out ALL of those SAME Red, (Republican) States now LOST SEATS and ALL of the SAME Blue, (Democrat) States GAINED Congressional Seats and population.
Just like the 2020 Election, the Democratic Party PAUSED the Census Count to RE-EVALUATE the RESULTS.
People you had better START PUSHING Republicans to ENGAGE in this stuff instead of ALLOWING them to do the usual and WAIT until it blows over. I’m telling you that is what the Republican Party is doing!!! They are doing NOTHING but waiting for this to blow over. It’s NOT going to blow over.
MAKE phone calls. SEND emails. DO SOMETHING to annoy and alert Republicans that we are DEMANDING our Voices heard, LOUD and CONSISTENTLY!!!!!
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