Not sure why I'm posting here any longer. ChaThat seems to be abondoned on every level. Half the time I can't reply to ANYONES comments...and now where's my cover photo?
Anyhoo.....political rant!
Well it seems everyone on every level is FOCUSED solely on the Impeachment or the newest Hollywood entertainment spectacle, the SuperBowl and other SHINY distractions!
Democrats are QUIETLY, stealthily changing the Laws, Rules, Regulations, while CENSORING opposing views, Educating our Children in the advantages of Communism, all while implementing unConstitutional Powers to UNELECTED Federal Employees at an astounding rate! Americans are NOT even paying attention.
It’s NOT about Impeaching President Trump. It’s the Criminal Trial they are after.
All a distraction....and if the Democratic Party Impeaches President Trump it will NOT stop there. The Party wants/NEEDS to hold him CRIMINALLY LIABLE and put in Jail. They are blinded by HATE and hope a JAILED President Trump will change the dynamics of their FAILED Party and slowdown support for the most powerful Woman in America right now...AOC.
AOC runs the Democratic Party and EVERYONE in it knows! They are so afraid of offending her they’re paralyzed. An Impeachment gives the Segway to a Criminal Trail and CONVICTION of/on_______________(insert word here). The Party MUST eliminate Trump and AOC I order to succeed I 2022 and beyond.
Some of us are paying attention....and CENSORED for it!