Hello. This is still an issue...but it seems to be the only one tonight...well other than the fall of America on 1/20.21.
I wanted to welcome Bill but it won't let me post it. This has been a recurring problem. It seems random and I do not have enough information to isolate specifics yet.
What I have noticed is whenever Admins post a comment I can reply (comment) to it multiple times. Not so with my Wall comment posts or comment posts on others walls like below. I have to 'Publish' them instead.
Countdown to Communism and “Gulags” to “deprogram” 75 Million Americans. Better sign that form stating you were cleansed of Trump...just like Hitlers Germany. I assume we whabeto carried, just like WWII Germany. “Your papers please”, however no Voter ID or American Citizenship REQUIRED.
The parallels are frightening...but then again Hitler studied the American Democratic Party’s political agenda in the early 1900’s.