So why hasn’t ANYONE except a few of us questioned WHY the Democratic Party is so hell bent on Americans getting the Vaccine? The Democratic Party does NOT CARE about the American People. The Democratic Party NEVER has cared about the American People! They only care about BODIES. Human Bodies, Alive or Dead represent MONEY and Power....both of which can transfer into Votes.
So why the concern over Americans getting the Vaccine? The Democratic Party surrounds themselves with SECURITY and Perks that protect them from Human contact...or even conversation. They have physical WALLS around their multiple Mansions. They have physical WALLS around their workplace. They have LAYERS of WALLS between them and their Constituents while paving pathways for their Bundlers and Lobbyists.
So why the Vaccine? Could it be they NEED you to take the Vaccine so they can state, using the numbers Vaccinated as a deflection or cover up for the REAL FACTS or STATISTICS behind COVID? When Trump was President, “Herd Amenity” was laughed at and stated “there’s no such thing”. Why was Pelosi in Chinatown on February 24th and Biden rambling the streets in March, while Cuomo and de Blasio were roaming the streets in March, April and May? Did they know their Minions would fall in line with the “Lerner” affect and carry a false message?
Why the Vaccine? Could it be it was JUST a new Corona Strain of a Common Cold? Why were the PCR’s for testing for Flu CHANGED to check for COVID-19? Why were there so many FALSE POSITIVES until AFTER the Election and then a sudden NEW strain was announced?
Why are the Elites NOT concerned about COVID?
Could it be that if HALF the Nation does NOT get the Vaccine it lends to PROVE the Science that this was NOT as DEADLY as the Democratic Party has MADE Americans believe? Could it be that the reason SO MANY Seniors were INFECTED in Nursing Homes, ON PURPOSE or by NEGLECT was to RAISE the numbers for an Agenda? Maybe the PCRs were changed so drastically to obtain the dollars kickback that you really just had a severe case of the Flu?
Why is the Democratic Party pushing Americans to an 80% Vaccinated threshold? Think about it. Look at the Democratic Party’s HISTORY. Look at the Democratic Party’s actions in the past 16 and 5 years. LOOK 👀 at what the Democratic Party HAS BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 5 MONTHS.
Do you think they CARE ABOUT YOU, YOUR HEALTH and Well-being? New York, New Jersey, California, Oregon and Washington State Governors have PROVEN they do NOT CARE about YOU, your LIVELIHOOD your HEALTH? (Hell ObamaCare PROVED that)
Maybe the Vaccine is a COVER to hide the TRUTH about the lies surrounding COVID in 2020, spewed from the Democratic Party, Mainstream Media and Hollywood? Why else would the Democratic Party be pushing the Vaccine? They don’t care about you. The Democratic Party is ACTIVELY IMPORTING ILLEGALS with COVID and SHIPPING them QUIETLY, under the cover of darkness to Hometown America....without ANYONE being notified. Would they do that if they CARED?
So why the Vaccine?
I am now hearing from Americans, on both sides, that they do NOT want to take off their Masks for FEAR of being labeled a Republican or Trump Supporters. “FEAR”, is that where we are in America NOW! Stand up for your FREEDOM.
So Americans are going to have to DRAW a “RED” line with BUSINESSES the Mask MANDATES if YOU want to CONTINUE to FIGHT for a FREE America!
Businesses and Counties that still require Masks are businesses and Counties that SUPPORT the OBiden ASSministration, the Democratic Party and their draconian dictatorial RULE over YOUR FREEDOM !!! Period!
Let’s move on and see what the Democratic Party is going to MANDATE NEXT! You know it’s coming.
If someone wants to know if you have had the Vaccine, whether you have or not, you STATE “I am NOT divulging my Medical Information to anyone!!!” HIPAA is the “Law of the Land as Democrats like to point out when it comes to Laws.
If you don’t, you’ll be under the RULE of the AOC’s and her DICTATORIAL SQUAD in Congress!!!!
If you do NOT stand up NOW, your Children and Grandchildren, especially if they are White, Asian or any SKIN COLOR Identity the Democratic Party deems, will NEVER BE FREE after 2027. NEVER! Think I’m kidding? Why are kids still required to WEAR Masks and stay out of School.
BOYCOTT EVERYTHING the Democratic Party wants. Call a Frikkin’ Republican Congressman and TELL them to UNITE and STAND UP for YOU!!! Do it NOW!!! It takes 5 minutes of what’s left of your Freedom.
Everything the Democratic Party has accomplished since January 20, 2021 has been to UNDERMINE America and to ENRICH them and their Supporters beyond their wildest expectations. Especially since MANY of them were/are delusionally concerned they were, should and hopefully will be ARRESTED.
It should be clear to EVERY American that the Democratic Party is SUCCEEDING in destroying America. They are DESTROYING our the National Security, American FINANCIAL well-being and they are putting us at EXTREME RISK for TERRORISM!!!
The Democratic Party has gone out of their way to SUPPORT and FUND our ENEMIES. They have SHUT DOWN our pipelines while PROMOTING Russia’s EUROPEAN pipelines.
They are ignoring the RAMIFICATIONS of Israel being attacked. It appears that the Democratic Party is REVENGE STRICKEN and doing all of this to get even with the American people for electing Trump. They are RULING this Country like DICTATORS hell-bent on DESTROYING it and ENSLAVING the American People!!!!
There is NEVER a bad time to CONTACT Congressional Republicans and TELL them to STAND UNITED on EVERYTHING!!!!
UAMASK YOURSELF to what the Democratic Party is and has been doing!
So when Democrats realized and then were ASSURED by the Repugnantcan Party that they were above the Law, the Democratic Party quickly seized on every opportunity to RULE. Then came their Pandemic from their Mentors, China.
Democrats quickly realized they could seize the opportunity to MANDATE DRACONIAN RULES that were, according to Science not necessary or proven.
The Albemarle Board of STUPIDvisors, KNOWING they are GODS to RULE Mankind announced they will NOT follow the Science or the State of Virginia’s plan of action and NO LONGER MANDATING Virginians wear Masks. In other words We the People are GRANTED the PRIVILEGE of going maskless. Albemarle County, however does NOT believe that Virginians can take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their own safety and Health and therefore is EXTENDING the MASK MANDATE for EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE In Albemarle County, inside or outside through November.
Part of this is because they LOVE the POWER of Dictating their MANDATES and part of it is in response to Albemarle County Teachers selfishness and reckless disregard to for the Health and Safety of Students across the County.
As I’ve been saying for over 40 years, when Democrats obtain POWER it goes to their Heads and they consider themselves God. With Democrats, ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY!!!
I suggest you CONTACT EVERY REPUBLICAN in Congress and DEMAND first they STAND TOGETHER in UNITY on EVERYTHING, NO EXCEPTIONS!!! The Democratic Party ALWAYS stands together and look very professional. Republicans look and ACT like a bunch of KIDS on a playground, pulling each other’s hair and talking trash about their so called Friends across the playground.
I don't remember if I'be posted this but look and read it again!
I've been waiting to hear about Hunter's laptop!!
What's everyone opinion?
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