4 anos ·Traduzir

So why hasn’t ANYONE except a few of us questioned WHY the Democratic Party is so hell bent on Americans getting the Vaccine? The Democratic Party does NOT CARE about the American People. The Democratic Party NEVER has cared about the American People! They only care about BODIES. Human Bodies, Alive or Dead represent MONEY and Power....both of which can transfer into Votes.

So why the concern over Americans getting the Vaccine? The Democratic Party surrounds themselves with SECURITY and Perks that protect them from Human contact...or even conversation. They have physical WALLS around their multiple Mansions. They have physical WALLS around their workplace. They have LAYERS of WALLS between them and their Constituents while paving pathways for their Bundlers and Lobbyists.

So why the Vaccine? Could it be they NEED you to take the Vaccine so they can state, using the numbers Vaccinated as a deflection or cover up for the REAL FACTS or STATISTICS behind COVID? When Trump was President, “Herd Amenity” was laughed at and stated “there’s no such thing”. Why was Pelosi in Chinatown on February 24th and Biden rambling the streets in March, while Cuomo and de Blasio were roaming the streets in March, April and May? Did they know their Minions would fall in line with the “Lerner” affect and carry a false message?

Why the Vaccine? Could it be it was JUST a new Corona Strain of a Common Cold? Why were the PCR’s for testing for Flu CHANGED to check for COVID-19? Why were there so many FALSE POSITIVES until AFTER the Election and then a sudden NEW strain was announced?

Why are the Elites NOT concerned about COVID?

Could it be that if HALF the Nation does NOT get the Vaccine it lends to PROVE the Science that this was NOT as DEADLY as the Democratic Party has MADE Americans believe? Could it be that the reason SO MANY Seniors were INFECTED in Nursing Homes, ON PURPOSE or by NEGLECT was to RAISE the numbers for an Agenda? Maybe the PCRs were changed so drastically to obtain the dollars kickback that you really just had a severe case of the Flu?

Why is the Democratic Party pushing Americans to an 80% Vaccinated threshold? Think about it. Look at the Democratic Party’s HISTORY. Look at the Democratic Party’s actions in the past 16 and 5 years. LOOK 👀 at what the Democratic Party HAS BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 5 MONTHS.

Do you think they CARE ABOUT YOU, YOUR HEALTH and Well-being? New York, New Jersey, California, Oregon and Washington State Governors have PROVEN they do NOT CARE about YOU, your LIVELIHOOD your HEALTH? (Hell ObamaCare PROVED that)

Maybe the Vaccine is a COVER to hide the TRUTH about the lies surrounding COVID in 2020, spewed from the Democratic Party, Mainstream Media and Hollywood? Why else would the Democratic Party be pushing the Vaccine? They don’t care about you. The Democratic Party is ACTIVELY IMPORTING ILLEGALS with COVID and SHIPPING them QUIETLY, under the cover of darkness to Hometown America....without ANYONE being notified. Would they do that if they CARED?

So why the Vaccine?