4 yrs ·Translate

Worth noting: as Bill and I have been shouting for the past 13 years....you are about to witness YOUR complete loss of FREEDOM.

Facebook's former Chief Security Officer told CNN today, “We are going to have to figure out the OANN and Newsmax problem. These companies have freedom of speech, but I'm not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and such bringing them into tens of millions of homes," echoing Oliver Darcey's plan to get them dropped from cable and satellite providers. The Marxist takeover continues.

And the Repugnantcan Party just stood by for four, no 14 years and WATCHED this happen....that’s okay, they got theirs....and will not be impacted.

Don’t worry, you won’t be able to afford Cable, Satellite, Phone or Broadcast services...and you electric Bill will be so high, even if they weren’t removed, you won’t be able to afford Electricity.

But that’s probably several moths away so in the interim, after OANN and Newsmax are REMOVED you won’t be able to watch on the Internet because the Service Providers will be BLOCKING Ports and IP Addresses and the Bullshit explanation will be “the content is not appropriate for our Customers”!

REMEMBER: the Repugnantcan Party has just been STANDING around WATCHING and LETTING this happen, stating Elections have consequences. Worthless sons of bitches! MAKE SURE YOU TELL YOUR NEAREST Repugnantcan Congressional mis-Representativejust what you think of them!!!!

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