4 yrs ·Translate
I’ll leave you with this.

Our entire Judicial branch is corrupt from top to bottom. Our entire Legislative branch is corrupt. Our entire Administrative branch is corrupt. Those who could bring this treasonous cabal to justice are themselves corrupt, all for a few pieces of silver.

There are truly dark days ahead for our country, where criminals are rewarded with riches and position, and law abiding tax paying citizens are criminalized and vilified for their patriotism.

We will be taxed and regulated to death to fund global initiatives that will yield no fruit. We will have a knife held to our collective throat by foreign entities who will control all of our energy.

We will be at the mercy of medical quacks who will determine where we go, who we see, and when we are allowed to go under the threat of being ratted out by our "neighbors".

We will be dictated to by Social Justice goons who hate the White race. That includes White people who are ashamed of their own color.

Get ready for the most bottom feeding Marxist parasites like Al Sharpton, Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton to roam the halls of the White House as if they own the place.

There will be no unity when half of the country wants everyone not them to be tossed in re-education camps for "deprogramming"

"How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?"