I assume, based on the Democratic Party’s OPENING up the Border that they, Democrats, have worked out a DEAL with the Mexican DRUG CARTEL Democrats seem to LOVE, to TRAFFIC Children to America.
OPENING the Border assures Children can be brought in and SOLD as ENSLAVED SERVANTS or SEXUAL Toys for the Democratic Party!
There is NO PROFIT for the Democratic Party in ILLEGALS Voting! They know they have FIXED Elections and can LEGALLY get away with it.
Why else would ANY true American Citizen want to circumvent The Constitution ILLEGALLY by CHANGING Laws that otherwise PROTECT Americans?
Glenn E. Salzman
Teachers Unions ABSOLUTELY love the SURGE of these Children because the OVERCROWED Schools tax the resources of the Local Systems and the School Systems have to HIRE MORE TEACHERS!!!
It really is a brilliant plan, especially since they don’t really work or think anyway.
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