My Media Overlords
By Rachael Elizabeth Lee
© Rachael Elizabeth Lee
We are the main stream media and you must listen and believe everything we say. We are your Gods. We strive to bring you unbiased news. We do not force our personal opinions onto our viewers.
“Yes, my media lords, I hear you and I believe everything you say.”
The world has a deadly virus. We all must stay inside, we need to shut down the schools, small businesses, we must leave liquor stores, abortion clinics open and we must close churches, gyms, hair salons, doctors’ offices, dental offices and programs to help those with psychiatric disorders. The media is essential. Big stores are essential and not the mom and pop shops. This is your new normal ACCEPT IT NOW, stay inside, wear a mask, do not shake hands with anyone, do not hug anyone, do not have people in your homes outside of your family. Do not go on hikes or to parks to play with your children because it is too dangerous. You must wear your masks at all times, so your do not kill other people. If you see someone holding a large get together (even if it is your friends, loved ones or Grandma call the police and the health department.) If you see a family playing at a park call the police. If you see large groups of people praying in the streets notify the authorities immediately. These people are selfish. There is no shame in turning people in to save lives. This is the new normal. We are all in this together.
“Yes, my media lords, I understand I believe you. I will not leave my house or go to work. I will not host any gatherings. I will obey you my Gods. You are wiser than I.”
Order food and have it delivered, but do not come in contact with the delivery person for he may give you COVID-19 and will kill you or your grandma. Order what you need off line, and do not worry you cannot contract the virus from packages. Not a lot of people handle what you order or your packages. Do not worry you cannot get COVID-19 from fast food not a lot of people are handling your food. Stay indoors and live in fear. If you see someone outside or in a store without a mask. Your duty as an American is to shame, embarrass them and call the police. This is the new normal.
“Yes, my media lords I will obey you and not ask any questions. I will turn people in. I will shame and embarrass my fellow man.”
The right wing is holding protests regarding the stay at home orders. They are causing super spreaders, the people attending church are causing super spreaders, Trump rallies are causing super spreaders. People attending wedding are causing super spreaders. How dare these deplorable's put our country at risk and kill people with COVID-19. The thousands of protestors are not causing super spreaders because they are socially distancing.
“Yes, my media lords I hear you and agree, all those people deserve to die and I hope they all die.”
You are being fed false information; Chris Cuomo never went outside when he had tested positive for COVID-19. This is misinformation brought on by right wing racist extremists. All the protest that are happening throughout the United States are peaceful, no one is burning down buildings, taking over neighborhoods, throwing commercial grade fireworks at the police, feds and civilians. This is a conspiracy brought on by the right-wing nut jobs. The right-wing extremists are causing all the violence. The peaceful protestors are not interrupting people’s dinners or using intimidation to force their beliefs onto other people. The peaceful protestors are not beating up people, pulling people from their cars, throwing bricks at people’s cars or shooting and killing innocent people This is misinformation and this type of information is dangerous to our democracy. This is just another right-wing conspiracy theory. The protestors are acting in a peaceful manner.
We are going into another lock-down to stop the spread; curfews will start at 10pm in certain cities. We will determine which businesses stay open by the cluster of cases and if you are in an orange zone, you cannot open your business. Schools will be shutting down too because we cannot have a super spreader. You have no constitutional rights; we are speaking the truth to you; you do not have to question us. you will only find false information which is dangerous. Do not go out and research anything because We are your Gods.
“Yes, my media overlords I believe you.”
COVID-19 cases are on the rise and it is estimated 6 million people will die. Stay home, live in fear, do not celebrate any holidays. Do not ask God from above for help. Trust in us and the science.
“But my media overlords, none of this makes any sense, I lost my business, that I worked 20 years to build. I had to apply for Medicaid and food for the first time in my life. My wife has type one diabetes and Medicaid will not pay for her insulin. My son killed himself because he could not get the help he so desperately needed. Friends and family could not attend his funeral because COVID-19 is a supper spreader. I cannot pay my business credit cards, my personal credit cards, my utilities or my mortgage. I cannot even afford to buy food and the basic necessities. The first lock-down did not work. Why do you think a second lock-down will work? So, million’s more can lose their livelihood’s, homes, cars and everything they worked hard to achieve?”
“Thousands of protestors are out looting, tearing down monuments, trying to set police stations on fire with people inside. They are out beating innocent people up and murdering people. They are burning cities. They are throwing commercial grade fireworks at the police and at innocent families. But we the people have to stay inside?”
People are starting to question us what do we do? Do not question us you fools; we are better and smarter than you. You are a nobody and your opinion does not matter. Stop listening to the right-wing nut jobs. This is all Russian misinformation brought on by Trump and his followers. None of what they say is true. They are all racist including their president. Silence you fools! We are your Gods. We speak only the truth. This type of misinformation is very dangerous to our democracy. Worship us and your government because we are God. During this pandemic is a great opportunity to move ahead with the great reset. It will be great for everyone. You will accept the new normal or die.
“Guess what I do not believe you: you have lied to the American people for far to long and we are not going to take it anymore! You are not Gods; you use fear for power and control to manipulate the masses. We live in a constitutional republic and not a democracy. You are in bed with BIG TECH. I am banning you from my life. Millions of people are awake and onto you! FUCK YOU FAKE NEWS. You are dangerous and the enemy of the people! STOP BRAINWASHING THE MASSES. We will never accept the NWO or great reset as you call it. I am awake and I will fight for my freedoms, liberty, the Constitution of the United States, my family, the United States and I am willing to sacrifice myself for my beliefs. Come on out you cowards, bring the global; elites stop hiding behind your highly paid security team and meet the patriots. We deserve the truth!”